Mario Editor made an appearance at an online community convention in 2016, with a booth that featured 14 levels created by the user Me126546.

exe for Mario Editor and Wine “Bottler” will launch and offer to create a Mac OS X “app” (single, double-clickable file). I easily “recompiled” Mario Editor to run on my 5-year old son’s iMac, using the free program called WINE, available at Īll you have to do is install WINE, then download and unzip Mario Editor. Just be sure to download it quick – we can’t imagine Nintendo’s lawyers are going to allow this Mario Editor to hang around for long! It’s essentially Mario Maker for the PC – with lots of options and a very high level of polish. There’s a massive selection of blocks, scenery, power-ups and enemies to choose from, allowing players to create pretty much anything Mario Maker can. There’s a comprehensive (and fun) tutorial level that players can check out which gives you lots of great tips for level building, but is you want to dive straight in without the tutorial, it’s easy enough to work out anyway – Just select your tiles from the menu then place them on the grid. In-fact it’s so good, it feels worthy of something Nintendo would put out themselves! We’ve seen fan made Mario level building games before on Free Game Planet (such as the now cancelled Super Mario Bros NES Game & Builder), but we’ve never seen anything quite as fully featured polished as Mario Editor. Mario Editor is a very slick, easily accessible and feature-packed Mario Maker-style level builder in which you can easily build Mario Bros-levels within minutes.